Research Based Intervention Strategies for Early Reading

Reading Intervention Strategies

Using effective reading intervention strategies is cardinal when working with our struggling readers. It's not only what we teach that matters; the way we teach information technology has a huge affect on student learning. Using reading intervention strategies that work tin be the difference in helping your struggling readers larn to read.


Use this reading intervention strategies list to help programme your reading instruction.

Reading Intervention Ideas

If you are wanting to revamp your reading intervention programme, you are in the right place! I have a huge list of reading intervention strategies for you that volition assist you reach your struggling readers. They are all easy tips that yous tin easily implement at present.

Also, if you need help identifying struggling readers, figuring out where they demand help, and knowing HOW to assist them, try downloading this FREE reading intervention cheat sheet that will make your reading intervention and so much more effective.


Utilise this reading intervention list of activities and tips to help your struggling readers.

The Big v Reading Skills

At that place are 5 main areas in reading that make up a well-rounded, solid reading foundation. Reading gurus refer to these areas equally The Big v Reading Areas. Developing all v of these areas is crucial to student reading success. Below are some weblog posts I've written with reading intervention strategies that specifically target each Big 5 Reading Area. Cheque them out for more specific ideas!

  • Phonemic Sensation Intervention Strategies
  • Phonics Intervention Strategies
  • Fluency Intervention Strategies
  • Reading Comprehension Intervention Strategies
  • Vocabulary Intervention Strategies

Hither is a video I fabricated explaining the differences betwixt the Big v Reading areas y'all tin can check out besides:

General Reading Intervention Strategies

In the mean time, here are some SUPER valuable reading intervention strategies you can apply to teach whatsoever reading subject. They are as well great strategies for reading instruction for your whole class, or to help any pupil in reading. Yous can also bank check out my blog post about The Cardinal to Stress Gratuitous Reading Intervention that gives several tips to ease your teacher stress.


11 reading intervention strategies to aid yous attain your struggling readers.

For specific activity ideas you tin can use with your struggling readers, see this blog postal service with my Ultimate Listing of Reading Intervention Activities. In that location are tons of activities that entreatment to all kinds of learners!

Reading Intervention Strategy #1: Read as much as possible!


One of the most important interventions for reading is merely reading.

A huge principle in building any skill, is you get better at what you practice. If yous spend time practicing reading, approximate what?! You will get better at reading! Other reading intervention activities absolutely have value and are of import, merely the #one skill we are trying to build is reading text, so why non spend a lot of time reading? The key hither though, is non to kill the love of reading. Permit students read for fun, read with students, encourage at reading at home, let students read during transitions and breaks, as a reward, or have class reading parties. Make information technology fun, and try to integrate it naturally every bit much equally possible.

Reading Intervention Strategy #2: Read aloud to model adept reading


Reading intervention tin can include modeling while y'all read aloud.

People don't realize how priceless read alouds are. Information technology is such an amazing opportunity to teach our students so make good reading skills! Students learn a ton past example and modeling. When nosotros read aloud whatever text (picture books, chapter books, reading passages, instructions, etc.), we have the chance to show students reading skills in action. Nosotros tin can model sounding out tricky words, reading with fluency, thinking about what we read, request questions if nosotros don't understand, and using countless reading comprehension strategies. Such a gold mine of opportunity! Here is a list of my favorite picture books and affiliate books to read aloud to my class.

Reading Intervention Strategy #three: Mix information technology up with pupil choice and teacher assigned reading


You should use both teacher assigned and pupil option texts in your reading education.

There is value in both student choice and instructor choice when it comes to reading, and there should definitely exist both in good reading pedagogy. Letting students cull their own books gives independence and ownership of their reading. It increases motivation because they get to choice what they really desire to read. They can read about their interests, at levels they feel comfortable reading.

Reading education without educatee choice volition have a lot lower student engagement. Teacher assigned text also has its identify though. Students demand variety in text types (books, passages, fiction, nonfiction, etc.) and they demand to be reading at levels that are best for them. Teachers can assist provide that guidance and give them the perfect friction match. When choosing instructor assigned texts, try to continue in mind pupil interests and observe engaging texts if possible.

Reading Intervention Strategy #4: Utilize real books along with reading passages and textbooks


In your reading strategies for comprehension educational activity, utilize both real books and passages.

Reading passages and textbooks are corking because they allow focused practice in the skills you are learning, at simply the right level. They often come up with comprehension questions and pre-designed activities that coordinate perfectly. I employ them all the time, like these Brute Enquiry Passages or these Snowflake Bentley Reading Passages. Still, real books are So important to include in your instruction too. Students experience like real readers when they read existent books, and their engagement is so much higher. Information technology is a claiming to find a class set all in the same book, so one idea is to teach a general reading strategy, and and so permit students cull a volume (it tin be from a pick you provide) to practice it with.

Reading Intervention Strategy #5: Independent reading and Instructional reading level


1 of the best reading strategies for students is to read at their right level.

There are 3 types of reading levels: contained reading level, instructional reading level, and frustrational reading level. Contained reading level is when a student is reading at 95-100% accuracy. Instructional level is when a student is reading at 90-94% accuracy, and frustrational level is when a educatee is reading at 89% accurateness or below. It's of import to assist students find texts that are in the independent reading level when they are reading for fun on their own, and in the instructional level when they are reading with you or during a lesson.

Independent reading level is where the love of reading is built, and instructional reading level is where growth in reading skills happens. Avoid the frustrational reading level if possible, because that is where students develop feet, frustration, and an aversion to reading. Information technology's so difficult to find books at just the right level. Here are some of my favorite book recommendations for students at each reading level.

Reading Intervention Strategy #6: Make every child feel successful


Don't forget the importance of early intervention and staying positive.

When students feel defeated, their motivation plummets. When students feel successful, their motivation skyrockets. Who doesn't want to proceed doing what they experience really good at? It is so important to make sure each student experiences trivial successes every twenty-four hour period in their reading, and to celebrate those successes with them.

Specific positive praise is a great and easy mode to let students know they are succeeding. Interruption daunting assignments into smaller, easier tasks they can feel successful in equally they complete. When do activities together, starting time with easier tasks they can build confidence with from the start. Give them plenty of little successes to help them feel like they can succeed.

Reading Intervention Strategy #7: Break it into shorter chunks


Don't overlook this tip on this reading intervention list.

Sometimes (perchance more than sometimes) students take a hard fourth dimension staying focused during long lessons. I used to take a tendency to want to stretch lessons out and be as thorough as I possible could while education, merely I've learned that the longer a lesson goes, the more time I'k wasting because students are just not equally engaged. If you have a large clamper of time for a lesson, try breaking information technology up into shorter chunks. Change activities, switch upward the materials, let students move to different spots, or exercise brain breaks to allow students have a breather and and so re-focus.

If y'all need ideas on quick and piece of cake reading intervention activities to break your fourth dimension into, this blog post has a ton of ideas!

Reading Intervention Strategy #eight: Rewards for try and completions


This is ane of the reading interventions strategies that will increase educatee motivation the virtually.

An intrinsic honey of reading is the ultimate goal for all of our students, but sometimes rewards and incentives are just dang motivating. It'due south crazy what lengths a educatee will go to, only to earn a petty plastic dinosaur figure, just hey, it works! I utilize a lot of sticker charts, points systems, and prizes to help keep motivation up. All the same, what's most important to me is that the educatee is nevertheless trying and putting in attempt, not necessarily that they are scoring perfect on everything.

I like to give rewards or incentives for endeavour and completion, rather than for achievement. That doesn't mean you lot can't celebrate when students attain well, but my focus is on students continuing to try instead of scoring perfect. Rewards for completion as well help stretch out engagement, because for each footling activity they do, they are one stride closer to a prize.

Reading Intervention Strategy #ix: Routines


Use routines in your pupil reading interventions.

Students thrive on routine. They love knowing what's coming and being able to participate smoothly in it. When they know exactly what they demand to do each time, there will exist less fourth dimension lost in explaining directions and they volition feel confident in knowing what they demand to be doing. Didactics volition be efficient, and student appointment will be up. Yous can have routines in the process of being called back, you can follow routines by completing the same warm-upwardly activity each fourth dimension, or follow the same lesson construction (for instance: warm-up, sight words, passage, comprehension).

I talk more than well-nigh making the well-nigh of your reading intervention time in this blog post, if y'all need more than tips for efficient and effective reading intervention.

Reading Intervention Strategy #10: Games


Games make great reading intervention activities!

We already talked about rewards being super motivating, only we can't forget competition! Even if you don't make a big deal of winning and losing, or if information technology'due south a game where everyone wins, the idea of playing a game is and then engaging! Games can exist every bit simple as rolling a dice and moving a game piece forth a lath, or taking turns drawing game cards. Yous can have the game be split up from the skill, and allow each student take a turn after they complete a skill (like tossing a bean bag, trashket-ball, or rolling a die). Or you can integrate skills into the game (like reading a word on a game card or having words on a game board). I love to play games in the holiday seasons as an educational "celebration".

I use these Halloween CVC Game Cards or these St. Patrick's Day Board Games every bit swell phonics do.

Reading Intervention Strategy #11: Directly Educational activity


Use reading intervention strategies with explicit instruction.

When I was going through college, there was some controversy on directly educational activity vs research. Inquiry and discovery was all the rage, and it is Awesome in the classroom! It gives then much student engagement and motivation. However, when working with struggling readers, it is not always the best way to become. In inquiry, students are guessing what they demand to be learning, and struggling readers need to know from the start what their goal. Struggling readers answer best to directly, explicit instruction.

The cycle of teacher modeling, doing the skill together, and and then practicing that same skill on their ain is optimal for building confidence and focusing on exactly the skill they need to exist practicing. You lot can refer to this cycle as "I do, Nosotros do, You do", and you tin repeat is as many times as you demand to in a lesson. In fact, to keep engaging stride, it'due south all-time to become through many quick "I exercise, We do, You do" cycles in a lesson.

My Reading Intervention Binders are groovy for using this cycle. Each activity gives you several opportunities to practice a skill. You can model the first one, do one together, and let the pupil exercise the residual of them independently.


Use these reading intervention strategies with these activeness binders to make planning piece of cake.

I hope this list of reading intervention strategies helps y'all transform your reading education into an effective and awesome success! If you demand more tips for helping your struggling readers, download my Free Reading Intervention Crook Canvass that will help you lot figure out exactly who needs help, where they need information technology, and how to help them.

You can absolutely be a rockstar reading teacher, you can be the departure for your struggling readers! I believe in y'all!


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